Blow the trumpets! Alert the media! Raise your glass! Announcing GRAND CHAMPION MARJANI NOTAVIVA! Jazz completed her AKC Grand Championship this weekend with yet another win over specials (other champions). Jazz is the first puppy that was bred here, and carries solely my kennel name, to achieve this honor. When asked what she was going to do next, she said "Chew on my rawhide." (Much less expensive than g
Read More →Jazz – Best of Opposite again
Jazz did it again - on January 27, 2013, she earned 4 more points, with competition, toward her Grand Championship. Carolyn Boutchyard guided Jazz to another Best of Opposite with tough competition. This leaves Jazz ONE MORE POINT to earn to become a Grand Champion!
Read More →Jazz goes Best of Breed again
Jazz (Ch. Marjani Notaviva) took another Best of Breed on December 16, 2012 in Allentown PA, for a 5 point major. Go, Jazz!
Read More →Who are you? What’s your name?
Well, her name has officially changed.... Jazz is now AKC CH/mRBIS UKC CH Marjani Notaviva. That's right, baby Jazz has taken the next step in her career, and earned her AKC Championship - finishing with 3 majors. Good friend, Carolyn Boutchyard, showed her in her last show as an "open bitch" while I was in a class on dog behavior. I am so thrilled! Tomorrow, Jazz debuts in as a Special. Time to work on her
Read More →Bob – He’s no slacker!
Jazz, Bob and Tommy competed in a UKC conformation event this past weekend. Bob and Jazz were in four shows, and Tommy was in two. They went head to head, competing to see who was the best Basenji champion. Bob is proud to announce that he walked away with THREE Champion wins - showing his Dad (Tommy) that he's no slacker! What made the event even more fun is that three Scherzingers were in the ring - Rich ha
Read More →Jazz – doing what she does best
I am delighted to announce that Jazz (UKC CH Marjani Notaviva) was Reserve Best In Show on May 12, 2012! She did this not once, but TWICE in the same day. She was standing proudly, and looking her best - I am so proud of the effort she was making. Now she is officially mRBIS UKC CH Marjani Notaviva. Now to go for the BIS title!
Read More →Introducing: UKC CH Marjani Notaviva
It was a great weekend for the Marjani basenjis and miniature dachshund. Jazz completed her UKC championship title, Bob and Tommy are close to completing theirs, and Gloria was Group 1 in the scenthound group at each of the 4 shows - Anna and Isaiah took turns showing her to this placement. Anna and Isaiah also showed in Junior Showmanship and did a fabulous job!
Read More →Good Weekend!
Bob, Jazz and Gayle had a marvelous weekend at the dog shows in Millwood, VA. After a slow start on Friday, Jazz went Winners Bitch and Best of Winners on Saturday for a 4 point major. Gayle was Winners Bitch on Sunday. And Bob was Winners Dog for a 4 point major on Saturday, AND Winners Dog and Best of Winners on Sunday for another 4 points. All of this over a weekend with miserable weather - 45 degrees, windy
Read More →Bob and Jazz, again…
Another day, another dog show.... Bob was WD and BW today again. I'm so pleased with this boy, he is trying to figure out what this "show stuff" is all about, why all these dogs are around, and why he is being asked to stand in a line with all of them. So much for his little brain to absorb. Jazz was RB today. She had a "blonde moment" on the table, and could not remember for the life of her what she was supposed
Read More →Bob and Jazz – first show
Bob (Marjani The Price is Right) and Jazz (Marjani Notaviva) went to their first dog show today. Jazz was Winners Bitch for 2 points, and Bob was Winners Dog and Best of Winners for 2 points. A nice way to start off their careers...
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