Category : Basenji

Introducing: AKC CH Marjani The Price Is Right

Little Bob (Marjani The Price Is Right) became Marjani's first home-bred champion!  Bob (or Bobbles, or Bobaloooo, as he is known by his friends) will now take some time to grow up and fill out before coming back to the ring for his Grand Championship.  Go BOB!

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Tommy-Always the Bridesmaid

Tommy attended many shows this month, and gathered many Select Dog awards (hence, "always the bridesmaid, never the bride"). He is back at home, putting on some weight, and will reappear later this year! In the meantime - lookout - his son Bob (Marjani The Price is Right) is coming out for some shows!!

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Introducing: UKC CH Marjani Notaviva

It was a great weekend for the Marjani basenjis and miniature dachshund.  Jazz completed her UKC championship title, Bob and Tommy are close to completing theirs, and Gloria was Group 1 in the scenthound group at each of the 4 shows - Anna and Isaiah took turns showing her to this placement.   Anna and Isaiah also showed in Junior Showmanship and did a fabulous job!

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Good Weekend!

Bob, Jazz and Gayle had a marvelous weekend at the dog shows in Millwood, VA.  After a slow start on Friday, Jazz went Winners Bitch and Best of Winners on Saturday for a 4 point major.  Gayle was Winners Bitch on Sunday. And Bob was Winners Dog for a 4 point major on Saturday, AND Winners Dog and Best of Winners on Sunday for another 4 points.  All of this over a weekend with miserable weather - 45 degrees, windy

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Tommy earns his QC!

I am pleased to announce that Tommy earned is Qualified Courser certificate today. He stayed on the lure and ran quite nicely. Thank you, Jane, for letting Jules run with Tommy. Having a QC means the next time we go to a lure coursing trial, he can run in the open class!

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Bob and Jazz, again…

Another day, another dog show.... Bob was WD and BW today again. I'm so pleased with this boy, he is trying to figure out what this "show stuff" is all about, why all these dogs are around, and why he is being asked to stand in a line with all of them. So much for his little brain to absorb. Jazz was RB today. She had a "blonde moment" on the table, and could not remember for the life of her what she was supposed

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Bob and Jazz – first show

Bob (Marjani The Price is Right) and Jazz (Marjani Notaviva) went to their first dog show today. Jazz was Winners Bitch for 2 points, and Bob was Winners Dog and Best of Winners for 2 points. A nice way to start off their careers...

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Grand Champion Khani’s Katoomba, JC

Tommy finished his Grand Championship in April in only 10 shows, and with 4 majors.  After a couple of months off, he is chomping at the bit to get back in the ring.  In July - he'll be back!

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Gayle’s pups and Maddie’s pups

More pictures! Gayle's pups are 5 weeks old in this picture sequence (white towel) and Maddie's pups are 4 weeks old (also on white towel) Gayle Puppies Maddie Puppies

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Gayle’s Pups – 4 weeks old

New pictures of Gayle's pups -- the 4week pictures are taken on the brown towel.

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