Tommy-Always the Bridesmaid
Tommy attended many shows this month, and gathered many Select Dog awards (hence, "always the bridesmaid, never the bride"). He is back at home, putting on some weight, and will reappear later this year! In the meantime - lookout - his son Bob (Marjani The Price is Right) is coming out for some shows!!
Read More →Bob and Jazz, again…
Another day, another dog show.... Bob was WD and BW today again. I'm so pleased with this boy, he is trying to figure out what this "show stuff" is all about, why all these dogs are around, and why he is being asked to stand in a line with all of them. So much for his little brain to absorb. Jazz was RB today. She had a "blonde moment" on the table, and could not remember for the life of her what she was supposed
Read More →Bob and Jazz – first show
Bob (Marjani The Price is Right) and Jazz (Marjani Notaviva) went to their first dog show today. Jazz was Winners Bitch for 2 points, and Bob was Winners Dog and Best of Winners for 2 points. A nice way to start off their careers...
Read More →Gayle Earns Her First Two Points
Gayle went Winners Bitch on June 26, 2010 at the Virginia Kennel Club's show held in Richmond VA. This is Gayle's first points and her second time in the ring - the first being when she was 6 months old.
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